Without a large shelter, it is out of necessity that Camp Companion has fosters. They open their doors to welcome in many of the area’s lost and forgotten animals. Fosters at Camp Companion are passionate and quick to volunteer when a new animal arrives. There are many reasons for choosing to become a foster. For Tasha McDevitt, finding a lost kitten is how she discovered her passion for fostering.
A Previous History with Camp Companion
Tasha McDevitt is a compassionate animal lover with ties to Camp Companion long before she became a dog foster. In 2008, she adopted a kitten from Camp Companion, and again in 2015. “I really loved the philosophy behind CC and the work they do,” she explains. She had previously volunteered at spay and neuter drives and adoption events. However, her busy schedule kept her from remaining an active volunteer.

Max (black & white) and Eddie (orange & white) both adopted by Tasha from Camp Companion.
The Kitten that Changed Everything
Around August Tasha noticed a kitten wandering around her employer’s parking lot. When she told this to her colleagues they stated they had already tried contacting animal control and other shelters. Without delay Tasha contacted Camp Companion and as a result Michele Quandt arrived to help trap the kitten. At last the kitten was safe, but he still needed a foster. Because of this Tasha set her aim on taking him in. Tasha’s heart poured out for the kitten. Thankfully her co-worker couldn’t resist the little guy and decided to become his foster that day.
Becoming a Foster
That event led Tasha to learn Camp Companion was in great need of dog fosters. Her previous 16 year old lab had passed away a couple years prior. Tasha and her family weren’t ready to adopt another dog. Fostering was the perfect option. Tasha stated, “I wanted to give back to an organization that gave us our wonderful fur babies and helped me out with a little lost kitten.” For her, finding that kitten was fate.
Camp Companion is always in need of fosters for cats and dogs. Click here to learn more about what fostering is. To discover your passion for fostering please visit campcompanion.org.