Below is a heartbreaking message from one of our most dedicated fosters.
“On days like today I think of the voices I hear that tell me,
‘Well, we don’t want to spay our cats because our kids or grand kids love little baby kittens!’
‘I am still not a huge cat fan but yet I have 5049 in my possession.’
I will spend the next several days trying to keep this little guy, Bailey, alive.

Bailey was found by a dumpster at a campground, probably trying to survive. When he came to me he had three bot flies that we were able to remove. We also found all this wood shaving stuff all over his body. I was thinking he fell out of a horse trailer or something like that which would have shavings in it.
The following day his foster said this little one is still not doing well. We sent him to vet; those wood shavings are actually maggot eggs!! So, this little guy is covered in maggots, also skin and bones and dehydrated, and his mouth is full of ulcers so eating is very very painful! Now he is completely shaved to get all the maggot larvae off him and we are fighting for his life.

Since he came back to me from the vet yesterday I have been force feeding every two hours, giving him meds for his painful mouth, and keeping him warm because he has no body temperature. He cries and looks at me like, ‘What did I do to you to deserve this?’ Now please someone tell me how is this so cute and adorable????”
Camp Companion was founded- to prevent suffering like this. Unfortunately, Bailey didn’t survive his fight. Bailey won’t be the last to go through this, however you can help there be fewer animals go through this tremendous despair. Volunteer, donate, and educate yourself.
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